Fee | Information |
Listing fee | - $1.00 per listing - Fee added to bill when an item is listed. - Has to be paid regardless of resulting sales. - A listing expires after 1 year. |
Transaction fees | - 10% of item total in a transaction. |
Payment processing fees | - 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction - Calculated on the order total (including any shipping and taxes). - Payments processing fees are removed automatically from the funds received from buyers. - Payment processing fees are in addition to Aqua Vida's transaction fees. - If you issue a refund for a sale made through Aqua Vida Payments, your payment processing fee will be credited proportionally and applied to the refund amount. |
Shipping fees | - As the Seller, you are responsible for packaging, handling and postage for all your products and shipments. - Aqua Vida will collect all shipping fees and remit to you in your payment. - Every listing must have an up-to-date complete shipping cost. Submit changes to accounts@aquavida.com. If a shipping cost is not up-to-date, Aqua Vida will not be responsible for the difference in cost and will not charge the buyers additional fees. The difference becomes your responsibility. |
All renewal fees are $0.50
Listing state | Fee | Information |
Active items | Renew fee | Manual renewal of an active listing |
Expired items | Renew expired fee | Manual renewal of an expired listing |
Items about to expire | Auto-renew expired fee | - Automatic renewal of an expired listing - If turned on, expired items will be automatically renewed. |
Sold items | Renew sold fee | Manual renewal of a sold out listing |